Wiring of M365 motor to ESx controller

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Wiring of M365 motor to ESx controller

Postby Fallingwater Wed Nov 10, 2021 10:41 am

I'm doing a thing.


The final goal is to make an all-pneumatic RWD ES/365 hybrid with a front drum brake and an independent battery fully external to the stem.

I've progressed since that picture and it's now all built up, but I can't get the motor to work. I've wired it with the same colours on the phase cables and hall sensor wires, and it won't go. If I spin it up and then hit the throttle, it'll slow down quickly while briefly making that warbling coil-whine-ish sound that the M365 motor always makes. If I brake, it seems to stop as it should.

I've tried switching the phase wires around and after several attempts I got somewhere - but nowhere useful, as all I managed to make it do is spin up with enthusiasm when I brake, which as you can imagine made me go WTF with some emphasis. But hey, at least I didn't fry the FETs while reinforcing the traces, which is a good thing to know.

I figure the hall sensor wires need switching around as well, as obviously the M365 and ESx don't follow the same colour scheme. However, there are six possible combinations of throttle wires and six of hall sensors, and if I'm going to try them all together I'll waste a whole day soldering and cursing.

I trust someone here has tried this unholy mating before, so do you know how I need to rewire the phases and hall wires to get this thing to spin when I accelerate - and hopefully not when I brake?

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Joined: Fri Jan 01, 2021 9:08 pm

Re: Wiring of M365 motor to ESx controller

Postby misterjuco Mon Mar 07, 2022 3:18 am

I'm about to enter this rabbit hole as I have learned everything on the m365s. My final project with an m365 clone was to get a flip sky 75100 programmable controller. $99 something I would have paid $1,000 for considering all the time and other parts I destroyed in the learning process.

Hopefully, I can help you out. Sounds like you might be able to help me down the road. And of course it's for the good of the community.

Please don't take any of this the wrong way these are just the things that I've had to say to myself in order to get past digging more rabbit holes.

After seeing the programmable features of the VESC app that you need to program a flip sky controller, I learned that the break is also a FOC input device because when I press the throttle the second input was actually showing signal and vice versa. It could also have meant to that since I was sharing the same ground wire that there might have been a short in the circuit. If you are getting your wheel to spin up while breaking my question is if you are sharing the same ground wire or or just hard set on what wires actually go to the throttle?

Hopefully you haven't done this thing away by now and giving up on scooters all together but a ton of questions about the es2

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