Esx bms fulldump

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Esx bms fulldump

Postby Olivierftw Thu Nov 19, 2020 8:40 am

Hi, im working on an external battery of the esx, long story short i have completely tested everything, opened up and basicly, the bms is functional, the pack does take a charge, led indicator works, blue led on the bms functions how it should, so im 98% sure its a firmware problem thats blocking any communication with the esc.
So i think the only way solving this issue is dumpibg a correct bms firmware.
I have been searching an scouting the interwebs for some info on how to dump it without any luck.
What i did see is that there is a way for the ninebot max(in the how to covert an snsc2.x for personal use)
I read on the blog that the max and esx firmware are pretty similar, is this the same with the bms firmware?
Since i could only find a bms fulldump for the max and not for the esx.

Thanks in advance!

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