Anyway to downgrade BMS?

Posts: 13
Joined: Wed Aug 14, 2019 1:27 pm

Anyway to downgrade BMS?

Postby Deaofly Wed Aug 14, 2019 1:38 pm

So when I got my ES4 scooter in December, there was an update which included Master Control Firmware 1.3.9 and BMS 1.3.6. The scooter was always fast and zippy with lots of torque and acceleration. It wasn't until I updated the firmware to 1.4.7 with BMS 1.4.1 that I noticed a slight loss in torque and acceleration. I did find I got more milage with that firmware but something felt off. After updating to firmware 1.5.0, 1.5.1 and 1.5.2 that nothing changed accept smoother braking, But the scooter slowed down on hills big or small. Hills before the BMS update I could climb at a good 15-16mph and these were steep hills. After the 1.4.1 BMS update I noticed the scooter tends to go slow up the same hills having me kick with the scooter to get up. Now I contacted Segway and sent in my scooter and they replaced the Control board and front hub motor. The new Control board is on Firmware 1.3.5 but my batteries are still the original and have BMS 1.4.1. So I didnt notice any improvement after getting my scooter back so I can only assume it's the BMS that controls the torque and acceleration. Which makes sense because the Battery Management System most likely controls the output for power coming from the batteries. Is there a way to downgrade the BMS back to 1.3.6? I have used the downgrade tool before to change the firmware to 1.3.9 but that doesn't change the BMS firmware. Thanks for any advice give .
DB Cooper
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Joined: Mon Jul 29, 2019 1:03 pm

Re: Anyway to downgrade BMS?

Postby DB Cooper Wed Aug 14, 2019 3:16 pm

So when I got my ES4 scooter in December, there was an update which included Master Control Firmware 1.3.9 and BMS 1.3.6. The scooter was always fast and zippy with lots of torque and acceleration. It wasn't until I updated the firmware to 1.4.7 with BMS 1.4.1 that I noticed a slight loss in torque and acceleration. I did find I got more milage with that firmware but something felt off. After updating to firmware 1.5.0, 1.5.1 and 1.5.2 that nothing changed accept smoother braking, But the scooter slowed down on hills big or small. Hills before the BMS update I could climb at a good 15-16mph and these were steep hills. After the 1.4.1 BMS update I noticed the scooter tends to go slow up the same hills having me kick with the scooter to get up. Now I contacted Segway and sent in my scooter and they replaced the Control board and front hub motor. The new Control board is on Firmware 1.3.5 but my batteries are still the original and have BMS 1.4.1. So I didnt notice any improvement after getting my scooter back so I can only assume it's the BMS that controls the torque and acceleration. Which makes sense because the Battery Management System most likely controls the output for power coming from the batteries. Is there a way to downgrade the BMS back to 1.3.6? I have used the downgrade tool before to change the firmware to 1.3.9 but that doesn't change the BMS firmware. Thanks for any advice give .

You can get BMS there and then upload via the tools.
Posts: 13
Joined: Wed Aug 14, 2019 1:27 pm

Re: Anyway to downgrade BMS?

Postby Deaofly Wed Aug 14, 2019 3:51 pm

Awesome thank you, I downloaded the 3 files and will have to wait until I get home to download the Windows app
Posts: 28
Joined: Tue Jul 23, 2019 3:31 pm

Re: Anyway to downgrade BMS?

Postby michachael Tue Sep 10, 2019 8:23 pm

Awesome thank you, I downloaded the 3 files and will have to wait until I get home to download the Windows app
so did this work for you? thanks
Posts: 13
Joined: Wed Aug 14, 2019 1:27 pm

Re: Anyway to downgrade BMS?

Postby Deaofly Fri Sep 13, 2019 4:18 am

I haven't done it yet since my scooter came back from Ninebot with a error 42. I had to send it back to Segway but I will try it when I get it back.

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