Search found 137 matches
- Mon May 09, 2022 1:05 am
- Forum: Off topic
- Topic: ScooterHacking ReFlasher - ESC recovery/downgrade
- Replies: 17
- Views: 173454
Re: ScooterHacking ReFlasher - ESC recovery/downgrade
Hello, Warn : target stm32f1x.cpu examination failed Error: jtag status contains invalid mode value - communication failure This looks like an issue with OpenOCD rather than ReFlasher - which is just a wrapper for this software. Maybe ST-Link Utility uses a lower SWD frequency, we use 1000kHz for th...
- Sat Mar 26, 2022 2:51 am
- Forum: Off topic
- Topic: ScooterHacking ReFlasher - ESC recovery/downgrade
- Replies: 17
- Views: 173454
ScooterHacking ReFlasher - ESC recovery/downgrade
ScooterHacking ReFlasher is a Windows software that facilitates the recovery or downgrade of your Xiaomi/Ninebot ESC/BLE through SWD using an ST-Link programmer. Currently maintained by BX LR (Lothean) and Topol. [Download v...
- Tue Feb 25, 2020 3:15 am
- Forum: Ninebot Max
- Topic: A bunch of bricked G30Ds seeking for help
- Replies: 7
- Views: 15583
Re: A bunch of bricked G30Ds seeking for help
Good job having lost time investigating, the answer was on that very forum the whole time. Why can't you all just read? Even the time it took for you to write that post was more than enough for you to go look for that pinned topic which y...
- Mon Jan 13, 2020 2:10 am
- Forum: Ninebot ES and E-series
- Topic: Cat and mouse game
- Replies: 3
- Views: 11607
Re: Cat and mouse game
Ninebot-Flasher supports encrypted BLE for Max and ESx (stock BLE109, 110, 113) as of 1.1.8.
Make sure to update Ninebot-Flasher before attempting to connect.
Ninebot-Flasher supports encrypted BLE for Max and ESx (stock BLE109, 110, 113) as of 1.1.8.
Make sure to update Ninebot-Flasher before attempting to connect.
- Thu Jan 02, 2020 5:39 am
- Forum: Okai / Electisan
- Topic: Okai error codes
- Replies: 1
- Views: 28626
Okai error codes
Diagnostic Codes 01E ~ High current protect 02E ~ Low voltage protect (battery or cHigh current protect) 03E ~ High voltage protect (controller problem) 04E ~ Locked motor protect 05E ~ Controller problem (MOS burned) 06E ~ Controller problem 07E ~ Motor problem 08E ~ Motor OT 09E ~ Throttle problem...
- Sun Dec 15, 2019 11:56 pm
- Forum: Ninebot Max
- Topic: Ninebot Max ESC/DRV ST- Link - unbrick your Max ESC
- Replies: 9
- Views: 64515
Ninebot Max ESC/DRV ST- Link - unbrick your Max ESC
Needed : ST-Link V2 Soldering gear Tools Windows computer The full dump file [Download] ST-Link STM utility [Download] How-to: Undo the screws of the bottom plate of the scooter deck to access the internals. This should reveal the ESC, along with its potting compound If you can flash while the ESC i...
- Mon Dec 09, 2019 2:03 am
- Forum: Ninebot Max
- Topic: Bricked scooter
- Replies: 6
- Views: 15012
Re: Bricked scooter
I tried that but I can't connect to the scooter using the ninebot flasher, either with the max dashboard or esx dashboard attached. With the es2 dashboard attached, holding down the power button won't keep the scooter on. It turns off by itself. It just keeps beeping every few seconds. Which dashbo...
- Sun Dec 08, 2019 5:04 pm
- Forum: Ninebot Max
- Topic: Change Max serial number after DRV126 update
- Replies: 45
- Views: 98820
Re: Change Max serial number after DRV126 update
Help! I tried the method using the ESX Dashboard and Ninebot Flasher, but now can't turn on the scooter. With the ESX Dashboard attached, pressing the power button turns the scooter on momentarily and then it turns itself off again. The problem occured after I flashed DRV777.bin.enc. I tried puttin...
- Sat Dec 07, 2019 1:59 am
- Forum: Ninebot Max
- Topic: Change Max serial number after DRV126 update
- Replies: 45
- Views: 98820
Change Max serial number after DRV126 update
Thanks to Ninebot-Flasher being updated, we now can change our Max serial numbers using only one piece of software. Android Needed: ESx dashboard with original firmware OR BLE555 ( how to flash BLE555 on your Max ) Android 4.4+ and BLE Latest version of ES DownG Latest version of Serial Bluetooth Te...
- Sat Dec 07, 2019 12:13 am
- Forum: Ninebot Max
- Topic: Max dashboard BLE555 ST-Link guide (flash CFW)
- Replies: 26
- Views: 83577
Max dashboard BLE555 ST-Link guide (flash CFW)
With the toolkit comes the flashing tutorial, here we go. This tutorial will guide you through the installation of BLE555 for your Max, an alternative BLE firmware to remove encryption and allow for the use of all ESx apps. Needed : ST-Link V2 Soldering gear TH10 screwdriver Windows computer The Max...